Yoga Space Vallarta


We offer a variety of gentle yoga classes designed to nurture mature adults in body and soul. We invite you to experience our classes, whether or not you have any prior experience with yoga. Classes are designed to be accessible to participants of all levels of mobility and flexibility.

“Our bodies come to Yoga with a lot of life experience . I believe and have witnessed that through Yoga it can be possible to find a place of peace and happiness both on and off the mat. Yoga is a pathway to honouring our body, mind and spirit, meeting ourselves where we are at in the very moment with love and acceptance. The practice of Yoga is not just about the poses, the pretzel shapes or the headstand, it allows us to find and be our true selves and encourages us to shine our light brightly. It is this beautiful light that we graciously honour in each other and that connects us to all things”. 




Days – Wednesday – Thursday –  Saturday

A gentle guided Hatha Yoga class, taking time for you, practicing self care and self love, helping you to release tension and enhance your energy. Working on mobility, stability, alignment and pranayama (breath work); sequencing designed to help you strengthen and balance your body, relax your mind and lift your spirits. A great class for those who are new to yoga and for those seeking a gentle practice. This class accommodates those who are comfortable working from the mat, chair or standing.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. – BHAGAVAD GITA

This chair based Gentle Yoga class aims to increase flexibility, strength and body awareness. Practicing self care, taking time for you, and with the Go Slo tempo, having the time to notice what feels good by listening to the body and connecting to the breath.

The postures are practiced whilst seated and/or standing using the chair as a prop to help with stability and balance.

Beginning the class with a short guided relaxing meditation, and a pranayama practice to stretch and strengthen the breath, we continue with asana practices to help with strength , mobility and stability, including seated, standing and supported balancing poses. Finishing with a blissful seated Savasana.

Chair yoga is an adapted form of yoga that makes it accessible to everyone.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

                                                                              Smile , Breathe , Go slowly. -THICH NHAT HANH.

The second half of the practice will be gentle and restorative as we begin to completely unwind and relax with restorative poses or we ‘go in’ with Yin, holding just a little longer, that will help to release stress and tension in the body and mind.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodah – Yoga is the cessation of the  fluctuations of the mind.

                                                                                                    – PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS 1.2.

During this practice one appears to be asleep but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

 In Yoga Nidra the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from our outer experiences. If the consciousness can be separated from external awareness and from sleep, it becomes very powerful and can be applied in many ways eg. To develop memory, increase knowledge and creativity or, transform one’s nature.

                                                                                                                             – Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Preparing for a Yoga Class at the International Friendship club …

It is always best to ask your doctor for advice before doing or starting any physical exercise, or if you have any underlying health issues.

– Wear suitable , comfortable clothing.

– We encourage you to have something at hand to quench your

thirst, to keep you hydrated.

– You can bring your own yoga mat with you, or borrow a mat.

– A folded blanket or towel is also useful as a prop to have with you.

– We follow Jalisco guidelines on Covid protocols. At present masking is optional per your preference. And of course if you feel ill or have a fever or flu-like symptoms , we ask that you please practice with us online until you are well.

– For the comfort and wellbeing of all,  class size will be limited . Registration and $100 peso per class donation can be made at the door before class begins, space permitting.

– Wear suitable, comfortable clothing.

– You are encouraged to have something at hand to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated.

– A yoga mat or non-slippery surface for your practice space. Finding a quiet space where there will be no distractions would be ideal.

Props for practice  : –

– A blanket will help to cushion and support your body during aśana practice. Alternatives would be a bath towel or cushion.

– Blocks, two if possible. In some poses, blocks help to bring the ground up to you and can help support and align the body. Alternatives: cushions, folded towels, hardback books tied together, small chair or footstool.

– For balancing and alignment you can also use a wall or a secure stationary object, e.g. table or chair.

– A yoga strap or tie of a dressing gown may be helpful to extend your reach or hold.

Flow and Restorative Yoga – as above, plus two pillows or bolsters (extra blankets and cushions may make your practice even more comfortable and restorative). An eye mask or folded hand cloth optional.

Chair Yoga – a sturdy upright chair (preferably without arms), positioned on a yoga mat or non-slip surface, two blankets or folded towels and two blocks or thick books. Yoga mat optional.

– A gentle reminder – I encourage you to always be kind to your body; listen to your body. I will offer options for most ãsana poses, please take the one that suits you in the moment. I encourage you to come to a resting pose at any time during your practice if you so require.

– If you wish, you can play whatever calming music you enjoy that doesn’t distract you from your yoga practice. Artists that you may find conducive when played quietly in the background are: Ajeet Kaur, Ashana, Beautiful Chorus, Brian Eno, Deva Premal, Sacred Earth.

– You will be guided to select mute on your Zoom audio – It’s ok, you will still hear me. I won’t hear you or any music you play.

– You don’t have to have your video on, although I can offer best options to suit you, if I can see you. You will still see and hear me if you select the video ‘off’ option.

– If you select the ‘speaker view’ I will appear on the full screen as I guide your practice.

                                                             Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves. – PEMMA CHODRAN

A gentle guided Hatha Yoga class, taking time for you, practicing self care and self love, helping you to release tension and enhance your energy. Working on mobility, stability, alignment and pranayama (breath work); sequencing designed to help you strengthen and balance your body, relax your mind and lift your spirits. A great class for those who are new to yoga and for those seeking a gentle practice. This class accommodates those who are comfortable working from the mat, chair or standing.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. – BHAGAVAD GITA

This chair based Gentle Yoga class aims to increase flexibility, strength and body awareness. Practicing self care, taking time for you, and with the Go Slo tempo, having the time to notice what feels good by listening to the body and connecting to the breath.

The postures are practiced whilst seated and/or standing using the chair as a prop to help with stability and balance.

Beginning the class with a short guided relaxing meditation, and a pranayama practice to stretch and strengthen the breath, we continue with asana practices to help with strength , mobility and stability, including seated, standing and supported balancing poses. Finishing with a blissful seated Savasana.

Chair yoga is an adapted form of yoga that makes it accessible to everyone.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

                                                                              Smile , Breathe , Go slowly. -THICH NHAT HANH.

The first part of this class will be invigorating as we flow through a sequence of poses, balancing effort with ease whilst focusing on strengthening and toning the body.

The second half of the practice will be gentle and restorative as we begin to completely unwind and relax with restorative poses or we ‘go in’ with Yin, holding just a little longer, that will help to release stress and tension in the body and mind.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodah – Yoga is the cessation of the  fluctuations of the mind.

                                                                                                    – PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS 1.2.

Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique by which you learn to relax consciously ; a state of physical, mental and emotional relaxation . Yoga Nidra is a state of dynamic sleep in which you remain awake and aware.

During this practice one appears to be asleep but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness.

Please read the Yoga Tips below, before starting a class.

 In Yoga Nidra the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from our outer experiences. If the consciousness can be separated from external awareness and from sleep, it becomes very powerful and can be applied in many ways eg. To develop memory, increase knowledge and creativity or, transform one’s nature.

                                                                                                                             – Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Preparing for a Yoga Class at the International Friendship club …

It is always best to ask your doctor for advice before doing or starting any physical exercise, or if you have any underlying health issues.

– Wear suitable , comfortable clothing.

– We encourage you to have something at hand to quench your

thirst, to keep you hydrated.

– You can bring your own yoga mat with you, or borrow a mat.

– A folded blanket or towel is also useful as a prop to have with you.

– We follow Jalisco guidelines on Covid protocols. At present masking is optional per your preference. And of course if you feel ill or have a fever or flu-like symptoms , we ask that you please practice with us online until you are well.

– For the comfort and wellbeing of all,  class size will be limited . Registration and $100 peso per class donation can be made at the door before class begins, space permitting.

It is always best to ask your doctor for advice before doing or starting any physical exercise, or if you have any underlying health issues.

– Wear suitable, comfortable clothing.

– You are encouraged to have something at hand to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated.

– A yoga mat or non-slippery surface for your practice space. Finding a quiet space where there will be no distractions would be ideal.

Props for practice  : –

– A blanket will help to cushion and support your body during aśana practice. Alternatives would be a bath towel or cushion.

– Blocks, two if possible. In some poses, blocks help to bring the ground up to you and can help support and align the body. Alternatives: cushions, folded towels, hardback books tied together, small chair or footstool.

– For balancing and alignment you can also use a wall or a secure stationary object, e.g. table or chair.

– A yoga strap or tie of a dressing gown may be helpful to extend your reach or hold.

Flow and Restorative Yoga – as above, plus two pillows or bolsters (extra blankets and cushions may make your practice even more comfortable and restorative). An eye mask or folded hand cloth optional.

Chair Yoga – a sturdy upright chair (preferably without arms), positioned on a yoga mat or non-slip surface, two blankets or folded towels and two blocks or thick books. Yoga mat optional.

– A gentle reminder – I encourage you to always be kind to your body; listen to your body. I will offer options for most ãsana poses, please take the one that suits you in the moment. I encourage you to come to a resting pose at any time during your practice if you so require.

– If you wish, you can play whatever calming music you enjoy that doesn’t distract you from your yoga practice. Artists that you may find conducive when played quietly in the background are: Ajeet Kaur, Ashana, Beautiful Chorus, Brian Eno, Deva Premal, Sacred Earth.

– You will be guided to select mute on your Zoom audio – It’s ok, you will still hear me. I won’t hear you or any music you play.

– You don’t have to have your video on, although I can offer best options to suit you, if I can see you. You will still see and hear me if you select the video ‘off’ option.

– If you select the ‘speaker view’ I will appear on the full screen as I guide your practice.

                                                             Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves. – PEMMA CHODRAN

Videos - Benefits of Yoga

Breath work and meditation helps with mind-body connection promotes stillness, peace and equanimity. 

Pranayama practices (breathing techniques) are designed to stretch and strengthen the breath.

Mindful Movement – helps to anchor us in the present moment, allows us to connect to our bodies, and by moving slowly and mindfully with awareness , in a way that encourages concentration, can lower stress levels and benefits both mental and physical wellbeing.

Asana practices ( yoga poses), help to improve Strength, Stability and Flexibility.

Balance poses work to maintain stability and mobility. Practices help strengthen and stretch the legs , ankles , feet and core muscles essential for balance. Balance practices can help to reduce the risk of falls.

Connecting to a welcoming and supportive community can improve your overall health and emotional well being and, can promote a sense of Joy and Gratitude. 

Ganesha - The remover of Obstacles

Chai and a Chat

Would you like time to talk one-on-one about your Yoga practice? Perhaps you’re new to Yoga and would like to know more information before you begin. Maybe you have questions about your practice or would like to have a different option for a specific pose. Or perhaps you are going through something that requires you to adapt your Yoga practice, and you are not sure how you can do that. Of course it’s always important to take advise from your Doctor before starting any physical activity.

If you’d like a personal chat on anything related to your practice,  drop me a line by going to contact us. I am more than happy to respond to any questions you may have.  We can meet for a 30 minute chat on zoom, and if you are new to yoga I can arrange for you to try one of our classes with compliments to see if it is a good fit for you.

In any case , don’t let questions or doubts, limitations, or fears hold you back from the many life giving benefits of Yoga. Reach out and I will be very happy to support you in your journey to wellbeing. 

