Yoga Space Vallarta

Om Mane Padme Hum

The Jewel in the Lotus

mentors & kindred spirits

When it comes to great traditions like Yoga and Buddhist Meditation, we who teach today are only able to offer anything because, as the famous quote puts it, “we stand on the shoulders of giants.” This is the meaning of lineage as well. The teachings and traditions are handed down carefully and lovingly from generation to generation, and now it remains for us to do the same—making available whatever wisdom and experience the Noble Path has granted us. 

It is in this spirit that you will find on this page links to our Mentors—those who have guided us in the past and to this day in some cases—as well as other Kindred Spirits whom we have been privileged to connect with and learn from, either in person, online, or from a distance. We encourage you to explore these links and discover what these wonderful people and resources have to offer you. May you be blessed as we have been blessed!

To our teachers and lineages, we bow. 

To our students and spiritual communities, we bow. 

To our perfect, unborn awareness and intrinsic wisdom, we bow. 

 Ösel Dan and Yogini Rebecca 

Bows of Gratitude to our Mentors

Ösel Dan’s Mentors

Kavindu, YogaEspacio 

Centro Budista, Ciudad de Mexico

Norman Fischer, Everyday Zen Foundation

Anka Rick Spenser

Nima Janet Taylor

Lama Surya Das,

Lama Tsultrim Allione, Tara Mandala

Martine Batchelor 

Raoul Diaz de la Garza

Anna Laurita, davannayoga



Yogini Rebecca's Mentors

Kindred Spirits & Websites

We have found these individuals and organisations helpful and inspirational on our own Spiritual journeys. We encourage you to have a look and see if they speak to you in any way .

Becca and Dan



My soul honours your soul

I honour the place in you where the entire universe resides.

I honour the light, love, truth,

beauty & peace within you,

because it is also within me.

In sharing these things

we are united, we are the same,

we are one.