We will offer a variety of opportunities to go deeper into the practices and traditions we have found nurturing; through recommended readings and resources, study groups, workshops , presentations, teacher trainings , and community learning activities such as our new Reading Space.
Check back for more updates as we develop more programs!
Dan and Becca
The Reading Space
Our Spiritual book club offers another great opportunity to connect , chat and have fun. We meet online or in person around four times a year to review and discuss the latest book. Places are limited, so if you’d like to come along then please let us know by sending a request on our contacts page click here.
Becca will be leading this experience to get things started. However, there will be the opportunity for other Reading Space members to present a book to the group at future book club meetings.

Further Study - Going Deeper
We provide the following links for informational purposes. As teachers we have found these links of interest.
Winter 2021 Study Group — The Noble Eightfold Path
Recommended Book:
Week 1: Introduction to the Eightfold Path
Week 2: Skillful View
Week 3: Skillful Intention
Week 4: Wise Speech
- How to Practice Right Speech Anywhere, Anytime, and With Anyone — Krishnan Venkatesh
- Wise Speech Reconsidered — Beth Roth
- Learning to Be Buddha: Examining Our Actions of Body, Speech, and Mind — Susan Moon
( need to add link its a pdf file?)
- Wise Speech — GIl Fronsdal (audio)
Week 5: Skillful Action
- Article: The Action of Non-Action — Gil Fronsdal – Insight Meditation Center Article: “Actions” — Gil Fronsdal – Insight Meditation Center
- Karma and Intention – Insight Meditation Center
- Sati Center: Compassionate Vision, Conscientious Action with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi – Insight Meditation
- Audio Recording: Wise Action — Gil Fronsdal
Week 6: Wise Livelihood
- Why Right Livelihood Isn’t Just About Your Day Job — Krishnan Venkatesh
- Right Livelihood — Rick Hanson, PhD
Week 7: Skillful Effort
- Skillful Effort — Peter Doobinin
- The Four Right Exertions — Thanissaro Bhikkhu
- Audio Recording: Wise Effort — Gil Fronsdal
- Resources ~ RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture — Tara Brach
Week 8: Right Mindfulness
- Mindfulness Article — Sharon Salzberg (need to add link pdf file)
- Papañca — Mental Proliferation – The Domino Effect
- What is Papañca?
- Eighth Session Audio Recording — Ösel Dan
Week 9: Right Concentration
- Concentration — Sharon Salzberg ( need to add link)
- Ninth Session Audio Recording — Ösel Dan
Week 10: Conclusion and Guided Meditation
- The Six Element Practice
- The Six Elements Extended Guided Meditation (Video) — Bodhipaksa
We practice the ancient tradition of Dāna, a Sanskrit word meaning generosity, charity, alms giving. Your voluntary donations can be sent via PayPal by clicking on the donate below.